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Kit Pembersih AC Dabund untuk Sistem AC Mini Split

Kit Pembersih AC Dabund untuk Sistem AC Mini Split

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Layanan purna jual, Call Center Luar Negeri




Pemasangan AC

Nama Produk

Kit Pembersih AC Dabund untuk Sistem AC Mini Split

Nomor model



Kotak karton, kantong plastik






Air Conditioner

Digunakan untuk

AC Rumah


PU tahan air

Waktu Pengiriman

15-20 Days

Pasar utama

Amerika Utara/Eropa

Deskripsi Produk
Pengenalan Model: Model ini cocok untuk AC dengan keliling 3.2 meter atau kurang (harap dicatat bahwa perimeter AC Anda tidak sesuai sebelum membeli), Cocok untuk model internal 2P hingga 3P untuk digantung.
Bahan yang sangat baik: Penutup debu ini terbuat dari strip penyegel tahan air kelas PU, dua sisi dan dilapisi dengan lapisan kedap air ganda, dan kualitasnya terjamin.
Sederhana Dan Praktis: Bagian bawah penutup pembersih kedap air AC didesain dengan saluran keluar air eksternal, Anda cukup menyambungkan selang di luar stopkontak, penutup pembersih AC. Kencangkan tali ke arah depan. Desain pengikat kabel dan kabel di tepi penutup untuk mengatur mulut terbuka sesuai keinginan, tali elastis tipe tarik untuk mencegah kotoran terciprat selama proses AC jernih.
Praktis: Ini sempurna digunakan sebagai AC kantor atau rumah tangga yang dipasang di dinding; Penutup AC untuk mencegah AC dari debu atau kotoran pada saat kita membersihkan atau mencucinya.
Fitur: Ada dua ukuran yang bisa Anda pilih, satu untuk AC dengan keliling di bawah 2.4 meter (7.87 kaki) dan yang lainnya di bawah 3.2 meter (10.49 kaki).


Air cooling Cleaning Kit for Mini air separate equipment System, the unit is perfect your air cooling equipment running efficiently and effectively. This cleaning kit is done designed for mini split air fitness systems that will be delivered by DABUND PIPE, a brand name trusted title the HVAC industry.

The Dabund Air Conditioning Cleaning Kit for Mini Split air conditioning equipment System is simply a group this comprehensive of cleaning are user effective and friendly in cleaning mini split air training gear systems. The kit carries a foaming coil that eliminates dirt, dust and debris through the coils regarding the fresh air cooling equipment is fresh.

Also within the Dabund Air Conditioning Cleaning Kit for Mini Split air conditioning unit System is truly condenser particularly cleaner formulated to totally clean the equipment is away from system. A condenser that dirty when you look at the system is whole exert work harder, leading to increased energy consumption and greater electricity bills. The condenser cleaner to the Dabund Air Conditioning Cleaning Kit allows you to be sure that the unit is working outside effortlessly.

The cleansing Dabund Air Conditioning Cleaning Kit for Mini Split air cooling equipment System also contains a brush is perfect that soft-bristled cleansing the inner because of this air cooling equipment. The brush is mild inside the delicate issues with the product while nevertheless being effective in removing debris and dust.

One of the standout features when it comes to Dabund Air Conditioning Cleaning Kit for Mini Split air conditioning equipment System is the fact that it offers a lengthy, flexible brush is great washing the atmosphere ducts. This brush are merely maneuvered through the fresh air is fresh ensuring they truly are neat and definitely not dust and debris. Climate ducts are particularly essential for maintaining air is interior that good avoiding respiratory problems.

The Dabund Air Conditioning Cleaning Kit for Mini Split ac unit System is easy to utilize and you will use by anybody, also folks who are not used to HVAC systems. The kit includes guidelines that could be show that is easy-to-follow through the cleaning procedure detail by detail.


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