Is your window air conditioning unit frustrating you with shaking and wobbling on hot, sunny days? Do you sometimes worry that it may tumble out the window and injure someone who is passing by down below? If yes, then is the time to get one strong bracket for your window AC unit from DABUND PIPE. This will ensure its safekeeping.
Window bracket: AC unit installation window brackets are essential parts of any air conditioner that is installed in a window. This helps keep the unit from jumping or sliding out of place. This is critical because not only will it protect your AC unit from harm, but it also protects everyone around you. This way, you know it won't slip and fall off the window sill and create a dangerous situation on the street below.
We care deeply for your safety at DABUND PIPE. For that reason, we provide a full range of strong and reliable brackets for window air conditioning systems. No matter if your unit is compact or powerful, we have the right bracket attached to it. And rest assured that your AC unit will be securely in place with this, ultimately allowing you to enjoy the cool air knowing it is safe.
Window AC units are extremely common because they are relatively inexpensive and can be installed in sash windows. But because we want to keep them protected, these units are often a little delicately built, and they can break if they're not used correctly. This is where DABUND PIPE brings a solid bracket! If you want your unit to run well and efficiently for years, this can help keep it safe.
Using a bracket to raise your AC unit further protects it from damage, and also makes cleaning your unit significantly easier. Once your AC unit is secured and stable, you will have easy access to it from the outside of the window. This means cleaning it is an easy task, so you can keep your unit in working good conditions.
All our brackets at DABUND PIPE trays is also available for any sized windows. This allows you to reap all the benefits of an AC unit without needing a window, perfect for anyone living in a small apartment or who cannot fit a standard AC unit. Just because you have a smaller living space, doesn’t mean you have to compromise on comfort.
Made from significantly durable materials, our brackets can withstand even the harshest weather conditions, and we have different size options to fit a window of any kind. Choose a bracket from DABUND PIPE and use your AC unit with peace of mind, since it will be properly mounted on the wall and less likely to incur damage.
Dabund is a reliable and trusted manufacturer of Copper Line Set with more than 16 years of experience. We have been building production lines since 2021 to manufacture Lineset Covers, air conditioner Condenser pads, and Brackets. While conducting business with clients, we discovered that many clients ask us to assist purchase other HVAC Parts, like AC Capacitor, Electrical Whips, Communication Wire, Drain Hose, Cleaning Kit and other HVAC Products. We thought about offering a one-stop service to customers.
Цхангзхоу ДАБУНД Пипе Цо., Лтд., је професионални произвођач изолованих бакарних цеви, комплета водова, кондензаторске јастучиће, поклопца линије, носача и других компоненти клима уређаја за Мини Сплит системе. Да бисмо смањили трошкове купаца, такође можемо сами да произведемо белу ПЕ и НБР изолацију. Спремни смо да развијемо Линесете како бисмо задовољили потребе купаца за различитим изолацијама. Тренутно производимо К-Флек Титан изолацију и Дуркфлек изолацију. Ту су и ХВАЦ и Р производи, као што су АЦ расклопна кутија, као и електрични бичеви АЦ кондензатор Клима-уређај, одводно црево, пумпа за клима уређај, и гумени јастучићи. Своје производе извозимо у земље као што су Америка, Канада, Немачка итд.
Имамо две фабрике и 50 апарата за заваривање, 4 машине за паковање и складиште од 30000м2. Фокусирамо се на комплете за клима уређаје, поклопце и носаче линија за јастучиће кондензатора. Рок испоруке је у року од 5-7 дана, ако вам је хитно потребан. У априлу 2023. направили смо 3 калупа за кондензаторске јастучиће за клима уређаје, укључујући 18к38к3", као и 32к32к3". Дабунд пружа прилагођену линију бакарних цеви, укључујући штампање К-Флек изолација, ПЕ и гума. Имамо комплет бакарних цеви заједно са бесплатним узорцима за 1-50м изоловане бакарне цеви.
Асортиман ХВАЦ и Р производа је неограничен, исто важи и за ваше пословање и нашу технологију. Наша компанија је настала након што смо видели потенцијал у овој области и тада смо окупили највештији тим и опрему да помогнемо нашим клијентима. Тешко је знати коме можете веровати у свом пословању. Уз нашу страст и модерну производњу, трудићемо се да вам помогнемо.